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The Ritz Carlton PResents - The Other End of the Earth

Client: The Ritz Carlton & Marriot Content Studio

Directed by Jacob Gilbert

Cinematography by Aaron Grasso

Narrated by Diane Lane

The Ritz Carlton wanted to create an artistically charged brand film to showcase the natural and architectural beauty of the areas of the world where in which their hotel properties reside. They insisted the focus should steer away from any traditional branding opportunities and instead focus on the romanticization of world travel and discovering culture around the globe. 

We set out to accomplish just that.

With a small but efficient team of just 5 creatives, we traveled to 7 international destinations across 5 countries over the course of 32 days and captured the film that you see here. 

Inspired by quotes from Nellie Bly, and narrated by the one and only Diane Lane, "The Other End of the Earth" went on to receive 21 prestigious advertising awards for Outstanding Branded Film, Cinematography and many more.

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